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Horse tail


VERMIORGANIC Ecological Horsetail Biostimulant Fungicide. Preventive and curative of fungal diseases.

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Horsetail (EQUISETUM Arvense) is a perennial herbaceous plant whose name ‘Arvensis’ in Latin means “from the prairie, field or grasslands”. It is a fungicide that has a high content of Silica in addition to Potassium and Calcium. It favors the structure of the plant by acting directly on the roots, making it more resistant. It has been used traditionally in a multitude of medicinal remedies. It should be noted its richness in organic acids such as nicotine, palustrin, etc. and equisetonin as a fungal toxin. Components that make Horsetail one of the most effective fungicides. It is also used to control fungi, which infect the plant such as:> Rust (wounds on the leaves)> Oidiosis (white powder on the leaves)> Mildew (whitish spots under the leaves)> Phytophopthora sp (rot and wilt plants)> Septoria (dark spots on leaves)> Botrytis sp. (rot of shoots, flowers and fruits)> Alternaria (dark spots on leaves), etc.
Maquetacion productos (1)


It has a large number of nutritional elements, as well as exceptional biological characteristics. It incorporates both macro nutrients and trace elements essential for the proper development of the plant, and presents a microbiota with unique properties.


  • Increases the natural defenses of plants.
  • Strengthens the plant tissue.
  • It favors the development and growth of plants.
  • All-natural fungicide.
  • Rich in Silica.


Horsetail (equisetum arvense) is a perennial herbaceous plant whose name ‘arvensis’ in Latin means “of the prairie, field or grassland”. Fungicide that has a high content of silica in addition to potassium and calcium.


Horsetail is a fungicide that has a high content of silica as well as potassium and calcium. It favors the structure of the plant by acting directly on the roots, making it more resistant. It has been used traditionally in a multitude of medicinal remedies.
It should be noted its richness in organic acids such as nicotine, palustrin, etc. and equisetonin as a fungal toxin. Components that make horsetail one of the most effective fungicides.
Silicon reduces the effects of excess water around plants that leads to the appearance of fungi. The high percentage of silica in the plant reduces the impact of humidity. The appearance of fungi is more frequent with high humidity and long periods of rain. In these cases, horsetail is used as a preventive measure against fungal-related diseases and to reduce the need for sulfur applications.
Maquetacion productos (77)


Dissolve 1 liter of product for every 5 liters of water in water and apply the resulting broth, wetting the entire plant well. Do not apply in hot hours or high solar incidence.


Perform treatments every 7 days at times of maximum risk, after high humidity and little sun. In case of the presence of fungi or insects, it can be used every 3 days in the same way. An iron corrector is recommended to enhance its effect, for example our humic acid.


In foliar fumigation with a very fine drop. Wet the entire plant very well. Do not apply in hot hours or high solar incidence.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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