Its great nutritional richness allows the non-use of chemical fertilizers and its high Cation Exchange Capacity eliminates the loss of nutrients that even causes soil contamination.
It gives fantastic results in any crop, both in greenhouses and in the open field.
CELTONITE, from the family of aluminosilicates, has great potential to store water and air, as well as nutrients in the ionic form. Optimizes the assimilation of nutrients and contributes to the development of sustainable agriculture.
The VERMICOMPOST or HUMUS DE LOMBRIZ is a fertilizer of organic origin whose use makes it possible to dispense with the use of agrochemicals. Its effectiveness and profitability far exceeds traditional manuring or addiction to compost soil or other amendments.
The MYCORRHIZES, come from a solid biostimulant based on algae. They have the mission of structuring the soil, rooting and regulating soil moisture. Likewise, it helps to balance the microbial life of the soil and protects plants from pathogenic diseases from the edaphic environment.
- Easy drive.
- Less time for growth, more production and higher yield.
- Healthier plants and greater root volume.
- Provides all the necessary nutrients (both macro and micronutrients) from the start of development to harvest.
- Improves the physical, chemical and biological structure of soils
- Creates a storage effect preventing loss of nutrients by leaching or volatilization.
Increases nutritional efficiency and nutrient and water economy.
- Improves the quality of substrates, the recovery of degraded soils, resulting in healthier and precocious plants.
- Reduces post transplant stress.
- It is a natural biostimulant.
- Less incidence of abnormalities and diseases.
- Vegetables: 40gr per plant – 800 to 1000 Kg / Ha
- Vine: 60gr per plant – 1000 Kg / Ha.
- Olive grove: 500 / 1000gr per tree – 1000 to 1200 Kg / Ha
- Citrus / Pomáceas: 450-1200gr per tree – 800 to 1500Kg / Ha
- Cereals: 450-1200gr per tree – 800 to 1500 Kg / Hag / Ha
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